There are many organizations available for Communication Professionals to join. Some organizations focus on those who teach communication theories, others are centered on different industries in the communication field such as Public Relations or Journalism. I have selected five organizations that are available for professionals, which work with communications, to join. After I a little information about each organization I explain if I would join the group or not:
1. The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) – An association created for “professors, industry professionals and graduate students who are interested in teaching and research related to electronic media and multimedia enterprises” (BEA, 2011, ¶ 1). This group has over 1,600 members and has affiliation with 275 college’s and university departments. This organization is not very attractive to me simply because my focus is not in teaching or doing more research at this time. I am looking for a group of like-minded individuals who are using their passion to work.
2. International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) – This organization has a very large network with members that represent many careers in the field of communications. Individuals who join can use IABC as a resource to make an impact at their job, find hidden job markets, enhance skills, and find clients and friends (IABC, 2011). Because many of the members hold positions that I am interested in pursuing, I believe this organization would be beneficial to join. I also like the international aspect of it, because we are now in a global economy.
3. National Communication Association (NCA) – Is the largest association for communication “researchers, educators, and professionals, [who] work to understand and better all forms of human communication” (NCA, 2011, ¶ 1). Members of this organization have many resources and events that contribute to the education of communication and its benefit to society. I would consider this organization simply because of its great resources for job searching. The website offers tips for interviewing and that only lets me know they are serious about helping communication professionals.
4. Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) – This organization describes itself as a “community of more than 21,000 public relations and communications professionals across the United States, from recent college graduates to the leaders of the world’s largest multinational firms” (PRSA, 2011, ¶ 2). The group was created to help those in the PR field with networking, recognition, and other aspects of the industry. What I found interesting about the group has a student subgroup called Public Relations Student Society of America. I really like that they reach out to those learning about PR as well as those work practice it. If I go into the PR field, I am sure I will join this organization.
5. Southern States Communication Association (SSCA) – This organization is based of communication professionals located in the southern states of the US. It is a non-profit organization that has a purpose of promoting “the study, criticism, research, teaching, and application of the artistic, humanistic, and scientific principles of communication” (SSCA, 2011, ¶ 1). This group is not taking members at this time. That is too bad because I live in Tennessee and would like the chance to network with others who live close by.
BEA. (2011). About Us. Retrieved April 7, 2011 from
IABC. (2011). About IABC. Retrieved April 7, 2011 from
NCA. (2011). About NCA. Retrieved April 7, 2011 from
PRSA. (2011) About PRSA. Retrieved April 7, 2011 from
SSCA. (2011) About SSCA. Retrieved April 7, 2011 from